Monday, September 24, 2012

DIY Old Shoes, New Look

Lately, G have been wearing lots of Sunday's best dress to school or whenever we go out. This week, for teacher's day celebration, she is required to wear one. G would be happy to wear an old dress but mom refuse. So we bought one and I wanted a matching shoes, but I think our little one is more sensible than I am, she actually asked me to stop wasting money. hahaha! I am not kidding. In a very grown up tone she told me: Mom, you should stop wasting money. We went home but I still want a matching shoes for her dress. So, I think of a simple DIY to make a new look for an old shoe which will cost me zero moolah. 

rummaged through G's shoe closet and found this candidate

have these floral piece on stock and about to be thrown hair tie

I am a hoarder and I keep things that I think will come handy for crafts and DIY. We have tons of beads, floral pieces, fabrics and ribbons saved.  True enough, whenever we wanted to kill time, we would make a little project and find those hoarded stuffs handy.

for this DIY, last thing I needed is my trusted glue gun

beads from the hair tie attached to the flower using the glue gun
Attached the flower to the shoes with the use of glue gun and voila! After less than ten long minutes, here's how G's sort of new shoes look like. Spent absolutely nothing. I'm sure she won't be seeing someone wearing same shoes as her. It took sooo little time to do it too!

So, you think it goes well with the dots dress?

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